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Press Release
Press Release
Press Release
Steadfast Amid Turmoil: Liu Yaowen's Nigerian Triumph

On the challenging terrain of Nigeria, our service representative Liu Yaowen has shown outstanding professional excellence through his remarkable courage and expertise.

Recently, a major client in Nigeria decided to purchase 15 advanced rotary drilling rigs from our company. The successful implementation of this large-scale project required stringent technical support and on-site management. As our resident service representative in Nigeria, Liu Yaowen did not back down in the face of numerous challenges. Rather than retreating, he swiftly established a professional and reliable image locally, drawing upon his profound technical expertise.

Liu Yaowen not only efficiently completed the equipment installation and commissioning but also attracted numerous apprentices eager to learn the maintenance and repair techniques for rotary drilling rigs. After several months of intensive training and hands-on practice, these apprentices have achieved significant technical improvements. From initially knowing nothing about rotary drilling rigs, they can now articulate the working principles fluently and independently carry out basic repair tasks. Their rapid growth is remarkable.

On this challenging Nigerian terrain, Liu Yaowen has exemplified responsibility and commitment through his actions. He is not only a pride of our company but also a model for all laborers who persevere and explore courageously in the face of adversity.

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